On this website ( your privacy is protected (✅) or affected (❎, ❌) by the following:
- We set technically necessary cookies in your browser:
- for manging your login session
- for preventing CSRF attacks when you submit forms
- for tracking your coookie consent status
- We do not set other cookies.
- For troubleshooting we store the time of your last login.
- If you submit personal data in web forms, we store them.
- For technological reasons emails sent to you (e.g. upon registration or password reset) will not be encrypted.
- If you register an account, we send you an email containing a registration token.
- If you login using your home institution's identity, we redirct you to for selecting you home institution. has these privacy guarantees.
- If you login using your home institution's identity, your home institution will ask you before transmitting personal data about you to
- We do not load other external resources.